The Order of Never Hide
Create and celebrate the Ray-Ban lifestyle for the next generation of fans. 
Together with several VICE ambassadors we brought 'THE ORDER OF NEVER HIDE' campaign to life in unexpected ways. 
We announced the campaign and big main event with a series of videos showing the legendary and most respected bouncer Sven Marquardt from Berlin's most famous club Berghain, who lured guests into an intimidating starring competiton. Further we invited Jesse Hughes, fron man of the band Eagle Death Metal to give rocker hair cuts to brave guests at the event. And to sum things up Joe Hatchiban, the famous karoke singer from Berlin Mauerpark was doing high speed karaoke with the audience at the event.
Further we had next to amazing live acts a gif photo booth allowing users to create fun memories of the night to be shared instantly on their socials.
For anyone who wanted to take something for eternity from the event we offered free live tattoos at the event.
Agency - VICE Germany

Concept - Hanja Baruschke & Emily Longfield
Art Direction - Emily Longfield

Director - Axel Lerner
Head of Events - Jan Helch

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